Escape Detention


Escape Detention


It’s Friday, school’s just ended for the day, and your group has tickets for a major concert tonight. Your ride is set to leave in exactly one hour, but you’ve landed yourselves in detention… This teacher does detention differently, though. If you can solve all of the puzzles she’s set up in her classroom, you’ll be allowed to leave early. Better get to work!

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Escape Detention is a non-linear game that takes advantage of many classroom themes. The design has been thoroughly enjoyed by thousands of players of all ages. There are several puzzles that tend to result in group celebration at their solution with the escape happening at the conclusion of the final metapuzzle.

There is a lot of room for you to personalize this story, design, room layout, and included puzzles to match your style and existing room environment.

Difficulty: 7/10
Number of steps: 32
Number of players: 2-8

This package includes:

  • Walk-through

  • Puzzle Guide

  • Reset Checklist and Hints

  • Parts List

  • Flow Chart